There is no connection fee or other hidden charges.Ĭall2Friends uses its own implementation of WebRtc to enable free online internet calls from browsers.We are integrated with more than 15 large telecoms, so you will always have the best route in terms of price and quality.No need to download any programs or additional browser plug-ins.Online free call once a day without registration.To test the connection, you can call 12345678 and if you hear your voice, it means that the microphone and headphones are configured correctly. Once a day we reset the limit of free calls, and you can come and place a call again. But we are working to make calls possible in all parts of the world. Some expensive destinations, unfortunately, are not available. In some areas, we allow calling 1-2 times per day, in some only 1. The call is absolutely free, but its duration is limited as well as the availability of destinations.Ĭall duration and number of calls is limited for IP address. To make a free call you will need a microphone and the latest version of Chrome or Firefox. The quality of free calls can be worse than the quality of the paid ones because we use cheaper and lower-quality routes for free calls. On this page you can make a free phone call to almost anywhere in the world. Call2Friends - internet calls online from your browser using web based calling app at lowest rates without installing any additional plug-ins.